Monday, April 7, 2008 --- widget-builder for the layman

This widget builder came just at the right time---I am graduating and need to sell myself to companies.

When I saw the ad in Facebook, I thought I would be able to code my own widget. But no, it is like an interface widget builder. They separate the styles and content with the coding. They put a few styles infront of you and they do the coding behind.

This is very great news for aspiring web designers who wish to use the simplicity of interface design and leave the rest of the complicated coding to the computer. One who uses Dreamweaver and know nothing about web html/xhtml/css. The bad: if you're not able to write your code, you're not able to edit your code, which will be difficult when errors arise.

Sproutbuilder is also taking the idea of Web 2.0 and meshing it with a component of the Web. It could work. The idea is very catchy. Also, it does not need you to sign up as a member, which takes away a lot of the hassle of logging in to my gmail, getting verified yada yada... (That said, wordpress should start adding "gmail" into their dictionary... it's been around ages and it still gets underlined in red in my New Post.)

When I click on 'start building', I wondered if there will be flexibility and variation in my designs, because after all, there were only 7 themes to start with--Blank, Cause, Sports, Personal (x2), Politician Democrat and Politician Republician. It was later that I was presented with a toolbar much like the one in Photoshop. Hey you can customize it much like you customize images in Photoshop, doesn't that sound easy?

sproutbuilder template, theme

Guess I'll give it a try!

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